github bagisto/bagisto v1.4.3

latest releases: v2.1.2, v2.1.1, v2.1.0...
2 years ago

✨ Features

  • #6213 - Command For Bagisto Publish

  • #6197 - Link to frontend from admin product list or product detail page

  • #6190 - Give option to enable WYSIWYG editor in configuration

  • #5376 - There should be an option to remove all cart items at once

✨ Enhancements

  • #6294 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the admin is trying to mark all notifications as read.

  • #6289 - Improvement on products listing

  • #6285 - The dashboard cards are not clickable

  • #6283 - When the user is trying to view the mini cart then Product Quantity Looks like as a minus value

  • #6269 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the customer is trying to change the app currency & locale

  • #6259 - The color of View All Notifications should be blue on the mouseover in admin panel

  • #6243 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the admin is trying to drag the product image while editing any product

  • #6241 - There should be checkboxes inside the status dropdown if the user is trying to filter orders with multiple statuses

  • #6229 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the user is trying to sort the table by tables header.

  • #6217 - There should be an asterisk icon for the required fields if the user is trying to book the product.

  • #6213 - Command For Bagisto Publish

  • #6208 - The product status should be Highlighted in product list page

  • #5967 - There should be an option to copy the product's share link.

  • #5960 - There should be an option for a sitemap generator. .

  • #5559 - There should be the currency icon inside the currency dropdown

  • #5530 - there should be an cross icon in blisss theme so that customer can delete product from cart

  • #5397 - The filter dropdown should be according to the selected value.

  • #5354 - The Input validation's dropdown should be according to attribute type.

  • #2718 - Show error message "No booking available" if booking is not available for selected date. Booking

  • #2308 - Existing groups in the attribute families are not translatable yet.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • #6290 - Cancel already shipped order results in incorrect pending inventory amount

  • #6279 - The currency icon is overriding on the currency dropdown when the app locale is Arabic.

  • #6270 - The enter key is not working if the admin is trying to apply the filter by pressing the enter key

  • #6267 - There should not be an exception if the admin is trying to view order after deleting the customer of same order Admin

  • #6266 - The admin is not able to view the bookings in the calendar view.

  • #6261 - The filter options should be under the filter button. when the customer is trying to filter order in Arabic locale

  • #6260 - The upload image option should be slightly on the right side. when the customer is adding a review for any product.

  • #6256 - There should not be any extra space between add to cart and the by now button.

  • #6253 - The page should be redirected to the particular order's page if the customer is clicking on the order id after placing the order.

  • #6250 - The admin is not able to view the customer's review if the customer is creating a review with the moustache syntax Like: {{ url(' ') }}

  • #6246 - The products are not listing when url key is null

  • #6244 - There is an exception when the customer is changing the app currency on the product view page.

  • #6228 - There should not be a blank value in the items per page dropdown. on customer orders page

  • #6206 - The border of calendar icon is not showing in dark mode, when the admin is trying to view booking in calendar view.

  • #6205 - The flash message should be according to the selected locale if the admin trying to create a Shipment.

  • #6204 - The carousel arrow icons [ previous and next ] should work properly in the Arabic locale.

  • #6202 - There should be some space between the input box and labels if the user is trying to book an appointment for any booking product.

  • #6196 - The admin should be able to delete the users.

  • #6195 - Mini Cart sub total is not updating after removing the cart's item.

  • #6192 - The shopping cart goes empty after removing an item from the mini cart.

  • #5772 - issue in french lanugage in navigation bar

  • #5067 - Products is_wishlisted attribute is always false on API

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