github badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor v16.0.0

latest releases: v22.0.1, v22.0.0, v21.0.3...
23 months ago
  • Correctly set willBeRetried in messages reports, fixes #849.

  • Replace cucumber-json-formatter with native components, relates to #795, #827, #870, #966 and #967.

    • This removes the need to install cucumber-json-formatter in order to generate JSON reports.

    • This removes the options json.formatter and json.args, which are no longer relevant. With the native components, no child process is spawned.

    • If you previously had configured specPattern to equal **/*.feature (or similar), then you should change it to cypress/e2e/**/*.feature in order to not accidentally include feature files located in node_modules. This will otherwise interfere with the calculation of the common ancestor path and thus step definition resolution.

      • This is no longer necessary as of v16.0.3.
  • Use deterministic, internal IDs, fixes #948 to some degree.

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