github backstage/backstage release-2021-09-02

latest releases: v1.29.0-next.1, v1.28.3, v1.29.0-next.0...
2 years ago


Minor Changes

  • 3ed78fca3: Changed the titleComponent prop on ContentHeader to accept ReactNode instead of a React ComponentType. Usages of this prop should be converted from passing a component to passing in the rendered element:

    -<ContentHeader titleComponent={MyComponent}>
    +<ContentHeader titleComponent={<MyComponent />}>

    Patch Changes

    • e0a6aea82: Bumped react-hook-form to ^7.12.2


      Minor Changes

    • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.
      To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your


      Minor Changes

    • 8b0f6f860: Set the correct edit_uri or repo_url for documentation pages that are hosted on GitHub and GitLab.
      The constructor of the TechDocsGenerator changed.
      Prefer the use of TechdocsGenerator.fromConfig(…) instead:

    • const techdocsGenerator = new TechdocsGenerator({

    • const techdocsGenerator = TechdocsGenerator.fromConfig(config, {

    • config,

Patch Changes

  • 30ed662a3: Adding in-context search to TechDocs Reader component. Using existing search-backend to query for indexed search results scoped into a specific entity's techdocs. Needs TechDocsCollator enabled on the backend to work.

    Adding extra information to indexed tech docs documents for search.

  • 3624616e7: "Local" (out-of-the-box) publisher explicitly follows lower-case entity triplet

  • 67ba7e088: Only write the updated mkdocs.yml file if the content was updated.

    This keeps local files unchanged if the dir annotation is used in combination with the file location.

  • 8eab6be6a: Force using posix path for cloud storage

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg@0.2.0

Minor Changes

  • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.

    To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.2
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

Patch Changes

  • 714a2a918: Export type that are needed to implement a new UrlReader
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3

## @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

Patch Changes

  • 13dc3735c: Add an optional metadata.title field to all entity kinds.

    This used to be available on only the Template kind, and we have decided that the metadata block should be the same for all kinds. A title can be useful especially in large and complex catalogs where users have a tough time navigating or discerning among the entities.

    It also carries some risk. You do not want to end up giving a title that collides with an actual name, which at best leads to confusion and at worst could be a liability. We do not perform any collision detection in the catalog. If you want to disallow this facility you may want to add a small processor that makes sure it's not set.

    At the time of writing this message, only the scaffolder actually makes use of this field for display purposes.

## @backstage/cli@0.7.10

Patch Changes

  • 5e803edb8: Added support for importing font files. Imports in CSS via url() are supported for the final frontend bundle, but not for packages that are built for publishing. Module imports of fonts files from TypeScript are supported everywhere.
  • b5118ff76: Updated dependencies

## @backstage/codemods@0.1.12

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.1.11

## @backstage/core-app-api@0.1.11

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/create-app@0.3.39

Patch Changes

  • 25924638b: Minor tweaks to the create-app template to match earlier documented changes

## @backstage/dev-utils@0.2.8

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.1.11
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/integration@0.6.3

Patch Changes

  • 5dca42b17: Update to properly handle Azure DevOps Server download URL

## @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-allure@0.1.1

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.6.7

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.14
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.24

Patch Changes

  • 2a105f451: Add a warning log message that passport-saml will require a cert config parameter imminently.

    We intend to upgrade this package soon, past the point where we will start to strictly require the auth.saml.cert configuration parameter to be present. To avoid issues starting your auth backend, please

  • 31892ee25: typo fix tenentId in Azure auth provider docs

  • e9b1e2a9f: Added signIn and authHandler resolver for oAuth2 provider

  • ca45b169d: Export GitHub to allow use with Identity resolver

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.8

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-bitrise@0.1.11

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.14

Patch Changes

  • 10db3ce09: Update the AboutCard to properly support non-standard entity types and rework the defaults for the build-in kinds.

    This change also uses useElementFilter(...) instead of React.children.count(...) in AboutField to properly recognize whether children are available.

  • 7e5f14dda: This change hides pagination counter of search tables and group members list when results fit in one page

  • 3ed78fca3: Added the ability to switch entity kind on the catalog index page. This is a non-breaking change, but if you created a custom CatalogPage and wish to use this feature, make the modifications shown on #6895.

  • aaa1dd17b: Use a Link for the edit button on the AboutCard instead of doing

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.13.6

Patch Changes

  • 4d62dc15b: GitHub discovery processor passes over repositories that do not have a default branch
  • 977b1dfbe: Adds optional namespacing for users in the GitHub Multi Org Plugin
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.5.20

Patch Changes

  • e0a6aea82: Bumped react-hook-form to ^7.12.2
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5

Patch Changes

  • 3ed78fca3: Added a useEntityKinds hook to load a unique list of entity kinds from the catalog.
    Fixed a bug in EntityTypePicker where the component did not hide when no types were available in returned entities.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.1.11

## @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.2.22

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.2.22

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.10

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-config-schema@0.1.6

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.11.5

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.15

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-firehydrant@0.1.2

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-fossa@0.2.15

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-gcp-projects@0.3.3

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-git-release-manager@0.2.5

Patch Changes

  • 27ef7b645: Wrap each feature in custom feature arrays with an element containing a 'key' to avoid missing-key-warnings
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.17

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-github-deployments@0.1.15

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/plugin-gitops-profiles@0.3.3

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-graphiql@0.2.15

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-home@0.2.1

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-ilert@0.1.10

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.5.5

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.2.14

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.4.12

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.24

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-newrelic@0.3.3

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-org@0.3.21

Patch Changes

  • c9927b1c7: Don't open a new tab when clicking on the ownership card.
  • 7e5f14dda: This change hides pagination counter of search tables and group members list when results fit in one page
  • ff304cfc3: Fix OwnershipCard links to support namespaced owners
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.3.12

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.3.13

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.11.2

Patch Changes

  • 34e14fdf7: Allow to pass custom TemplateCard to ScaffolderPage
  • 957ae8059: Use themeId in TemplateCard from theme object
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.3

Patch Changes

  • 3f9dd1759: GitHub create repository webhook action: github:webhook for Backstage plugin Scaffolder has been added.
  • 774b08a5c: GitHubWebhook Action can be created with a default webhook secret. This allows getting secret from environment variable as an alternative to get it from context.
  • 536f4d844: Updated dependencies
  • 0b92a1e74: refactor: extract common Octokit related code and use it in actions: publish:github, github:actions:dispatch, github:webhook.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-search@0.4.9

Patch Changes

  • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.

    To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-search-backend@0.2.6

Patch Changes

  • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.

    To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.2
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-elasticsearch@0.0.3

Patch Changes

  • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.

    To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0

## @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.2

Patch Changes

  • a13f21cdc: Implement optional pageCursor based paging in search.

    To use paging in your app, add a <SearchResultPager /> to your

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0

## @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.3.20

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-shortcuts@0.1.7

Patch Changes

  • e0a6aea82: Bumped react-hook-form to ^7.12.2
  • b8e8a3424: Fix material-ui warning about deprecated onExit prop
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-sonarqube@0.2.1

Patch Changes

  • 38fd73fb5: Update README to show a simpler proxy configuration.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-splunk-on-call@0.3.9

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-tech-radar@0.4.6

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.11.1

Patch Changes

  • 30ed662a3: Adding in-context search to TechDocs Reader component. Using existing search-backend to query for indexed search results scoped into a specific entity's techdocs. Needs TechDocsCollator enabled on the backend to work.

    Adding extra information to indexed tech docs documents for search.

  • 434dfc5d4: Display metadata.title for components on the TechDocs homepage, if defined; otherwise fall back to as displayed before.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.14
    • @backstage/plugin-search@0.4.9
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8

## @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.10.1

Patch Changes

  • 30ed662a3: Adding in-context search to TechDocs Reader component. Using existing search-backend to query for indexed search results scoped into a specific entity's techdocs. Needs TechDocsCollator enabled on the backend to work.

    Adding extra information to indexed tech docs documents for search.

  • a42a142c2: Errors encountered while attempting to load TechDocs search indices at
    collation-time are now logged at DEBUG instead of WARN level.

  • Updated dependencies

    • @backstage/techdocs-common@0.10.0
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-todo@0.1.8

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1

## @backstage/plugin-user-settings@0.3.4

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-welcome@0.3.3

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## @backstage/plugin-xcmetrics@0.2.4

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0

## example-app@0.2.44

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.11.2
    • @backstage/cli@0.7.10
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.4.5
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.11.1
    • @backstage/core-components@0.4.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.5.20
    • @backstage/plugin-shortcuts@0.1.7
    • @backstage/plugin-org@0.3.21
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.14
    • @backstage/search-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search@0.4.9
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.1.11
    • @backstage/integration-react@0.1.8
    • @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.6.7
    • @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.8
    • @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.2.22
    • @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.2.22
    • @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.10
    • @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.11.5
    • @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.15
    • @backstage/plugin-gcp-projects@0.3.3
    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.17
    • @backstage/plugin-graphiql@0.2.15
    • @backstage/plugin-home@0.2.1
    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.5.5
    • @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.2.14
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.4.12
    • @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.24
    • @backstage/plugin-newrelic@0.3.3
    • @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.3.12
    • @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.3.13
    • @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.3.20
    • @backstage/plugin-tech-radar@0.4.6
    • @backstage/plugin-todo@0.1.8
    • @backstage/plugin-user-settings@0.3.4

## example-backend@0.2.44

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.13.6
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.3
    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.10.1
    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.24
    • @backstage/integration@0.6.3
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend@0.2.6
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-elasticsearch@0.0.3
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.4.2
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.9.1
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.1
    • example-app@0.2.44

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