github backstage/backstage release-2021-06-07

latest releases: v1.27.2, v1.27.1, v1.27.0...
2 years ago

Hey, I just made a Pull Request!

This migrates all of our owned templates to v1beta2 and also changes the create-react-app template to use a cookiecutter version for now so we don't break peoples installation.

This removes the create-react-app template from any new npx @backstage/create-app in an effort to deprecate it for now.

✔️ Checklist

  • [ ] A changeset describing the change and affected packages. (more info)
  • [ ] Added or updated documentation
  • [ ] Tests for new functionality and regression tests for bug fixes
  • [ ] Screenshots attached (for UI changes)
  • [ ] All your commits have a Signed-off-by line in the message. (more info)

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