github backstage/backstage release-2021-05-27

latest releases: v1.31.1, v1.31.0, v1.31.0-next.2...
3 years ago


Minor Changes

  • 704875e26: Breaking changes:

    • The long-deprecated schemaValidator export is finally removed.


    • The EntityEnvelope type, which is a supertype of Entity.
    • The entityEnvelopeSchemaValidator function, which returns a validator for an EntityEnvelope or its subtypes, based on a JSON schema.
    • The entitySchemaValidator function, which returns a validator for an Entity or its subtypes, based on a JSON schema.
    • The entityKindSchemaValidator function, which returns a specialized validator for custom Entity kinds, based on a JSON schema.

Patch Changes

  • add62a455: Foundation for standard entity status values

## @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.0

Minor Changes

  • 17c497b81: The default CatalogPage has been reworked to be more composable and make
    customization easier. This change only affects those who have replaced the
    default CatalogPage with a custom implementation; others can safely ignore the
    rest of this changelog.

    If you created a custom CatalogPage to add or remove tabs from the
    catalog, a custom page is no longer necessary. The fixed tabs have been replaced
    with a spec.type dropdown that shows all available Component types in the

    For other needs, customizing the CatalogPage should now be easier. The new
    shows the default implementation. Overriding this with your own, similar
    CatalogPage component in your App.tsx routing allows you to adjust the
    layout, header, and which filters are available.

    See the documentation added on Catalog

    for instructions.

Patch Changes

  • 7ab5bfe68: Add support for fullHeight variant to the AboutCard
  • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]
  • Updated dependencies [add62a455]
  • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]
  • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]
  • Updated dependencies [704875e26]
    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4
    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core@0.7.11
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0

## @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.10.0

Minor Changes

  • 0fd4ea443: Updates the GithubCredentialsProvider to return the token type, it can either be token or app depending on the authentication method.

    Update the GithubOrgReaderProcessor NOT to query for email addresses if GitHub Apps is used for authentication, this is due to inconsistencies in the GitHub API when using server to server communications and installation tokens. for more info.

    Removes deprecated GithubOrgReaderProcessor provider configuration(catalog.processors.githubOrg). If you're using the deprecated config section make sure to migrate to integrations instead.

Patch Changes

  • add62a455: Foundation for standard entity status values
  • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]
  • Updated dependencies [add62a455]
  • Updated dependencies [704875e26]
    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4
    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

## @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0

Minor Changes

  • 17c497b81: The default CatalogPage has been reworked to be more composable and make
    customization easier. This change only affects those who have replaced the
    default CatalogPage with a custom implementation; others can safely ignore the
    rest of this changelog.

    If you created a custom CatalogPage to add or remove tabs from the
    catalog, a custom page is no longer necessary. The fixed tabs have been replaced
    with a spec.type dropdown that shows all available Component types in the

    For other needs, customizing the CatalogPage should now be easier. The new
    shows the default implementation. Overriding this with your own, similar
    CatalogPage component in your App.tsx routing allows you to adjust the
    layout, header, and which filters are available.

    See the documentation added on Catalog

    for instructions.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [add62a455]
  • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]
  • Updated dependencies [704875e26]
    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

## @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

Patch Changes

  • add62a455: Foundation for standard entity status values
  • Updated dependencies [add62a455]
  • Updated dependencies [704875e26]
    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

## @backstage/cli@0.6.13

Patch Changes

  • 1cd0cacd9: Add support for transforming yaml files in jest with 'yaml-jest'
  • 7a7da5146: Bumped eslint-config-prettier to 8.x.
  • 3a181cff1: Bump webpack-node-externals from 2.5.2 to 3.0.0.
  • Updated dependencies [2cf98d279]
  • Updated dependencies [438a512eb]
    • @backstage/config-loader@0.6.3

## @backstage/config-loader@0.6.3

Patch Changes

  • 2cf98d279: Resolve the path to app-config.yaml from the current working directory. This will allow use of yarn link or running the CLI in other directories and improve the experience for local backstage development.
  • 438a512eb: Fixed configuration schema parsing when using TypeScript 4.3.

## @backstage/core@0.7.11

Patch Changes

  • cc592248b: SignInPage: Show login page while pop-up is being displayed when auto prop is set.
  • Updated dependencies [d597a50c6]
    • @backstage/core-api@0.2.20

## @backstage/core-api@0.2.20

Patch Changes

  • d597a50c6: Add a global type definition for Symbol.observable, fix type checking in projects that didn't already have it defined.

## @backstage/create-app@0.3.23

Patch Changes

  • 6c4bd674c: Cache management has been added to the Backstage backend.

    To apply this change to an existing app, make the following changes:

    // packages/backend/src/types.ts

    import { Logger } from 'winston';
    import { Config } from '@backstage/config';
    import {

    • PluginCacheManager,
      } from '@backstage/backend-common';

    export type PluginEnvironment = {
    logger: Logger;
    database: PluginDatabaseManager;

    • cache: PluginCacheManager;
      config: Config;
      reader: UrlReader
      discovery: PluginEndpointDiscovery;
      // packages/backend/src/index.ts
      import Router from 'express-promise-router';
      import {
      + CacheManager,
      } from '@backstage/backend-common';
      import { Config } from '@backstage/config';
      function makeCreateEnv(config: Config) {
      const root = getRootLogger();
      const reader = UrlReaders.default({ logger: root, config });
      const discovery = SingleHostDiscovery.fromConfig(config); UrlReader ${reader});
      const databaseManager = SingleConnectionDatabaseManager.fromConfig(config);
      + const cacheManager = CacheManager.fromConfig(config);
      return (plugin: string): PluginEnvironment => {
      const logger = root.child({ type: 'plugin', plugin });
      const database = databaseManager.forPlugin(plugin);
      - return { logger, database, config, reader, discovery };
      + const cache = cacheManager.forPlugin(plugin);
      + return { logger, database, cache, config, reader, discovery };

    To configure a cache store, add a backend.cache key to your app-config.yaml.

    // app-config.yaml
      baseUrl: http://localhost:7000
        port: 7000
        client: sqlite3
        connection: ':memory:'
    +  cache:
    +    store: memory
    • f86ab6d49: Added newer entity relationship cards to the default @backstage/create-app template:

    • EntityDependsOnComponentsCard

    • EntityDependsOnResourcesCard

    • EntityHasResourcesCard

    • EntityHasSubcomponentsCard
      The EntityLinksCard was also added to the overview page. To apply these to your Backstage application, compare against the updated EntityPage.tsx

    • 260aaa684: Bumped the @gitbeaker dependencies to 29.x.
      To apply this change to an existing app, update all @gitbeaker/* dependencies in your package.jsons to point to ^29.2.0. Then run yarn install at the root of your project.

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [1cd0cacd9]

    • Updated dependencies [4ea9df9d3]

    • Updated dependencies [7a7da5146]

    • Updated dependencies [bf805b467]

    • Updated dependencies [203ce6f6f]

    • Updated dependencies [7ab5bfe68]

    • Updated dependencies [260aaa684]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • Updated dependencies [3a181cff1]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.10.0

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.0

    • @backstage/cli@0.6.13

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.9.4

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.11.4

    • @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.4.15

    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.12

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.5.8

    • @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.6

    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.8

    • @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.17

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.9.6

    • @backstage/plugin-search@0.3.7

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.8.2


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • 0fd4ea443: Updates the GithubCredentialsProvider to return the token type, it can either be token or app depending on the authentication method.
      Update the GithubOrgReaderProcessor NOT to query for email addresses if GitHub Apps is used for authentication, this is due to inconsistencies in the GitHub API when using server to server communications and installation tokens. for more info.
      Removes deprecated GithubOrgReaderProcessor provider configuration(catalog.processors.githubOrg). If you're using the deprecated config section make sure to migrate to integrations instead.


      Patch Changes

    • 8cefadca0: Adding validation to mkdocs.yml parsing to prevent directory tree traversing

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • 41c3ec421: fix for query parameters with null groups

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • 4d38bab75: Handle deployments without a commit

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • 5baf2ff0f: Show error in Jenkins card for errors exposed by the Jenkins API

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.1.1


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.1.1


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [d597a50c6]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/core-api@0.2.20

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • 260aaa684: Bump @gitbeaker dependencies to 29.x.

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • dc3558e84: Update Splunk On Call plugin to render warning message about incorrectly configured team annotation

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • 4ea9df9d3: Set admonition font size to 1rem in TechDocs to align with the rest of the document's font sizes.
      Fixes #5448 and #5541.

    • bf805b467: Fixes #5529, a bug that prevented TechDocs from rendering pages containing malformed links.

    • 203ce6f6f: TechDocs now respects the download attribute on anchor tags in generated
      markup, allowing documentation authors to bundle downloadable files with their

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [8cefadca0]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/techdocs-common@0.6.3

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/integration@0.5.4

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [41c3ec421]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [cc592248b]

    • Updated dependencies [17c497b81]

    • Updated dependencies [1cd0cacd9]

    • Updated dependencies [4ea9df9d3]

    • Updated dependencies [7a7da5146]

    • Updated dependencies [5baf2ff0f]

    • Updated dependencies [bf805b467]

    • Updated dependencies [203ce6f6f]

    • Updated dependencies [7ab5bfe68]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • Updated dependencies [3a181cff1]

    • @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.10.1

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.11

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.6.0

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.2.0

    • @backstage/cli@0.6.13

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.9.4

    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.4.4

    • @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.4.15

    • @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.2

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.5.8

    • @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.2.15

    • @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.2.16

    • @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.4

    • @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.6

    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.8

    • @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.2.8

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.4.5

    • @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.17

    • @backstage/plugin-org@0.3.14

    • @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.3.5

    • @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.3.6

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.9.6

    • @backstage/plugin-search@0.3.7

    • @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.3.11

    • @backstage/plugin-todo@0.1.2


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [0fd4ea443]

    • Updated dependencies [add62a455]

    • Updated dependencies [260aaa684]

    • Updated dependencies [704875e26]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.10.0

    • @backstage/catalog-client@0.3.12

    • @backstage/catalog-model@0.8.0

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.11.4

    • example-app@0.2.30

    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.12

    • @backstage/plugin-badges-backend@0.1.6

    • @backstage/plugin-code-coverage-backend@0.1.6

    • @backstage/plugin-kafka-backend@0.2.6

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.3.8

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.8.2

    • @backstage/plugin-todo-backend@0.1.6

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