github backstage/backstage release-2021-05-17

latest releases: v1.27.2, v1.27.1, v1.27.0...
3 years ago

Hey, I just made a Pull Request!

This PR adds the iLert plugin.

This plugin provides:

  • Information details about the person on-call (all escalation levels of the current time)
  • A way to override the current on-call person
  • A list of active incidents
  • A way to trigger a new incident
  • A way to reassign/acknowledge/resolve an incident
  • A way to trigger an incident action
  • A way to trigger an immediate maintenance
  • A way to disable/enable an alert source
  • A list of uptime monitors

The approach is globally the same as for the PagerDuty or OpsGenie plugins except that I have adapted it to the iLert logic and to the available API routes.

For example, the information you see in an entity is related to a specific alert source.

The plugin is formally divided into two parts: entity card and explorer. Both parts are optional. While the entity card is based on alert source, the explorer can be used without restrictions. In the future it is possible to support team selector for explorer.

Entity card (alert source based)

On-Call view is like escalation policy view in the iLert Portal
Incident table behaves like the incident list in the iLert Portal


New incident modal

New incident modal behaves like the new incident page in the iLert Portal


Who is on call?

The "Who is on call?" page is behaves like the similar page in the mobile app



Incident table and incidents action behaves like the incident list in the iLert Portal


Uptime monitors

The "Uptime Monitos" page is behaves like the similar page in the mobile app or in the iLert Portal


✔️ Checklist

  • [x] A changeset describing the change and affected packages. (more info)
  • [x] Added or updated documentation
  • [x] Tests for new functionality and regression tests for bug fixes
  • [x] Screenshots attached (for UI changes)
  • [x] All your commits have a Signed-off-by line in the message. (more info)

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