github backstage/backstage release-2021-03-25

latest releases: v1.28.3, v1.29.0-next.0, v1.28.2...
3 years ago


Minor Changes

  • aaeb7ecf3: When newer documentation available but not built, show older documentation while async building newer
    TechDocs backend: /sync endpoint added to support above, returns immediate success if docs don't need a build, returns delayed success after build if needed
    TechDocs backend: /docs endpoint removed as frontend can directly request to techdocs.storageUrl or /static/docs
  • 3139f83af: Add sticky sidebars and footer navigation links to TechDocs Reader

Patch Changes

  • ea9d977e7: Introduce workaround for admonition icons of MkDocs.
  • 2aab54319: TechDocs: links at sidebar and bottom reset scroll position to top
  • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]
  • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]
  • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]
  • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3
    • @backstage/core@0.7.3
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5

## @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.7.0

Minor Changes

  • aaeb7ecf3: When newer documentation available but not built, show older documentation while async building newer
    TechDocs backend: /sync endpoint added to support above, returns immediate success if docs don't need a build, returns delayed success after build if needed
    TechDocs backend: /docs endpoint removed as frontend can directly request to techdocs.storageUrl or /static/docs

## @backstage/cli@0.6.6

Patch Changes

  • 598f5bcfb: Lock down the version of webpack-dev-server as it's causing some nasty bugs someplace
  • 4d248725e: Make the backend plugin template use the correct latest version of express-promise-router

## @backstage/core@0.7.3

Patch Changes

  • fcc3ada24: Reuse ResponseErrorList for non ResponseErrors
  • 4618774ff: Changed color for Add Item, Support & Choose buttons with low contrast/readability in dark mode
  • df59930b3: Fix PropTypes error with OverflowTooltip component
  • Updated dependencies [76deafd31]
  • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]
  • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]
    • @backstage/core-api@0.2.15
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5

## @backstage/core-api@0.2.15

Patch Changes

  • 76deafd31: Changed the signature of createRoutableExtension to include null
  • 01ccef4c7: Introduce useRouteRefParams to core-api to retrieve typed route parameters.
  • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]
    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5

## @backstage/create-app@0.3.15

Patch Changes

  • 2c525f85e: (fix) Adds locationAnalyzer to default-app template

    The locationAnalyzer was missing from the default-app template.
    This resulted in 404 errors in newly bootstrapped backstage applications,
    when adding components without configuration.

    To fix this in an existing backstage application, the locationAnalyzer needs
    to be carried from the builder to the router in the
    packages/backend/src/plugins/catalog.ts file.

    const builder = new CatalogBuilder(env);
    const {

    • locationAnalyzer,
      } = await;
      // ...
      return await createRouter({
    • locationAnalyzer,
      logger: env.logger,
      - f88fe9dd9: Adds plugin-org and more capability to the default EntityPage to display Users, Groups and Systems. To update an existing application, add the org plugin: shell
      cd packages/app
      yarn add @backstage/plugin-org

    Then add the example systems locations to your app-config.yaml:

    -    - allow: [Component, API, Group, User, Template, Location]
    +    - allow: [Component, System, API, Group, User, Template, Location]
        # Backstage example components
        - type: url
    +    # Backstage example systems
    +    - type: url
    +      target:
        # Backstage example APIs

    Additionally, the default app sidebar was updated to parity with the Backstage
    repo. You can see these changes in the template
    referencing a new Root component.
    Finally, compare your packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx to
    from the @backstage/create-app default template to pick up additional
    changes there.

    • 4d248725e: Update the create-app template to use the correct latest version of express-promise-router.
      To apply the same change in your own repository, update all of your repo's dependencies on express-promise-router to "^4.1.0".

    • Updated dependencies [9f2e51e89]

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [aaeb7ecf3]

    • Updated dependencies [449776cd6]

    • Updated dependencies [91e87c055]

    • Updated dependencies [ea9d977e7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [687f066e1]

    • Updated dependencies [2aab54319]

    • Updated dependencies [113d3d59e]

    • Updated dependencies [f47e11427]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [3139f83af]

    • Updated dependencies [598f5bcfb]

    • Updated dependencies [c862b3f36]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.9.3

    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.2

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.5.1

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.7.0

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.7.0

    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.6

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.6.7

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5

    • @backstage/cli@0.6.6


      Patch Changes

    • 4618774ff: Changed color for Add Item, Support & Choose buttons with low contrast/readability in dark mode


      Patch Changes

    • 449776cd6: The auth config types now properly accept any declared auth environment. Previously only development was accepted.
      The audience configuration is no longer required for GitLab auth; this will default to


      Patch Changes

    • 687f066e1: Update badge dialog formatting

    • 4d248725e: Get the current entity using useEntity from @backstage/plugin-catalog-react

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • 4d248725e: Temporarily add UNSTABLE_extraContextMenuItems to the entity layout, so that we could detach the catalog plugin from the dependency on the badges plugin

    • 687f066e1: Add icon for entity badge menu

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • f47e11427: Log how many repositories were actually matching in GithubDiscoveryProcessor

    • c862b3f36: Introduce pagination in the /entities catalog endpoint.
      Pagination is requested using query parameters. Currently supported parameters, all optional, are:

    • limit - an integer number of entities to return, at most

    • offset - an integer number of entities to skip over at the start

    • after - an opaque string cursor as returned by a previous paginated request
      Example request:
      GET /entities?limit=100
      Example response:
      200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Link: ; rel="next"

      Note the Link header. It contains the URL (path and query part, relative to the catalog root) to use for requesting the next page.
      It uses the after cursor to point out the end of the previous page. If the Link header is not present, there is no more data to read.
      The current implementation is naive and encodes offset/limit in the cursor implementation, so it is not robust in the face of overlapping
      changes to the catalog. This can be improved separately in the future without having to change the calling patterns.

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.1.2


      Patch Changes

    • 01ccef4c7: Introduce useRouteRefParams to core-api to retrieve typed route parameters.

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3


      Patch Changes

    • d10ea17c9: fix missing type exports of public components

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • 01ccef4c7: Introduce useRouteRefParams to core-api to retrieve typed route parameters.

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • 01ccef4c7: Introduce useRouteRefParams to core-api to retrieve typed route parameters.

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • a2a3c7803: Bump @kubernetes/client-node from ^0.13.2 to ^0.14.0.

    • Updated dependencies [a2a3c7803]

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.3.2

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • a2a3c7803: Bump @kubernetes/client-node from ^0.13.2 to ^0.14.0.


      Patch Changes

    • 9f2e51e89: Fixes bug in the github:publish action causing repositories to be set as private even if the visibility is set to internal

    • 91e87c055: Add inputs for action fetch:cookiecutter: copyWithoutRender, extensions, imageName

    • 113d3d59e: Added a publish:file action to use for local development. The action is not installed by default.


      Patch Changes

    • 4d248725e: Bump to use the in-repo latest backend-common, and the correct version of express-promise-router


      Patch Changes

    • 4d248725e: Bump to use the in-repo latest backend-common, and the correct version of express-promise-router


      Patch Changes

    • 322e01a95: Support SonarQube project keys containing special characters like colons.

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5


      Patch Changes

    • 36d933ec5: Forward authorization on todo backend requests


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [a2a3c7803]

    • Updated dependencies [687f066e1]

    • Updated dependencies [d10ea17c9]

    • Updated dependencies [01ccef4c7]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [aaeb7ecf3]

    • Updated dependencies [ea9d977e7]

    • Updated dependencies [fcc3ada24]

    • Updated dependencies [687f066e1]

    • Updated dependencies [2aab54319]

    • Updated dependencies [4618774ff]

    • Updated dependencies [3139f83af]

    • Updated dependencies [598f5bcfb]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [df59930b3]

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.4.2

    • @backstage/plugin-badges@0.1.2

    • @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.8.4

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.1.3

    • @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.2

    • @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.4.1

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.5.1

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.7.0

    • @backstage/core@0.7.3

    • @backstage/theme@0.2.5

    • @backstage/cli@0.6.6


      Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [a2a3c7803]

    • Updated dependencies [9f2e51e89]

    • Updated dependencies [4d248725e]

    • Updated dependencies [aaeb7ecf3]

    • Updated dependencies [449776cd6]

    • Updated dependencies [91e87c055]

    • Updated dependencies [36d933ec5]

    • Updated dependencies [113d3d59e]

    • Updated dependencies [f47e11427]

    • Updated dependencies [c862b3f36]

    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.3.2

    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.9.3

    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend@0.1.2

    • @backstage/plugin-search-backend-node@0.1.2

    • @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.7.0

    • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.3.6

    • @backstage/plugin-todo-backend@0.1.2

    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.6.7

    • example-app@0.2.21

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