github babylonlabs-io/babylon v1.0.0-rc.6-fix

latest releases: v1.99.0-snapshot.250319, v1.0.0-rc.8
14 hours ago

Testnet hot fix release

Babylon Testnet contained bug which lead to creating unbounded amount of events at the epoch boundary that could lead to node crashing with OOM error.


  • #714 hot-fix: removed duplicated events EventHandleQueuedMsg at end of epoch for queued messages

Recovery procedure procedure

Download network snapshot without faulty events link

Steps to recover:

  1. Stop your babylond node
  2. Update to the hotfixed babylond binary from this release tag. When building babylond binary, remember to use testnet env option i.e BABYLON_BUILD_OPTIONS="testnet" make install
  3. Start your node from the provided snapshot. Make sure you backup your home directory first. You can extract the snapshot like this: tar -xf ./babylon_542160_pruned_bbn-test-5.tar -C ~/.babylond --overwrite

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