github axuno/SmartFormat v3.0.0-alpha.3

latest releases: v3.5.3, v3.5.2, v3.5.1...
pre-release3 years ago

Changes on top of v3.0.0-alpha.2:

1. NullFormatter processes complex formats:

  • Behavior is comparable to ChooseFormatter
  • Allows for nested formats
  • More plausibility checks

2. NewtonsoftJsonSource: fix evaluating null values

3. Add missing formatters to Smart.CreatDefaultFormatter

  • include IsMatchFormatter
  • include NullFormatter

4. Improved parsing of HTML input

Introduced experimental bool ParserSettings.ParseInputAsHtml.
The default is false.

If true, theParser will parse all content inside <script> and <style> tags as LiteralText. All other places may still contain Placeholders.

This is because <script> and <style> tags may contain curly or square braces, that interfere with the SmartFormat {Placeholder}.

Best results can only be expected with clean HTML: balanced opening and closing tags, single and double quotes. Also, do not use angle brackets, single and double quotes in script or style comments.

SmartFormat is not a fully-fledged HTML parser. If this is required, use AngleSharp or HtmlAgilityPack.

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