Spring Cloud AWS 3.0 is a rewrite of the project using AWS SDK v2 for Java. Since this has required a major refactoring, we took it as an opportunity to revisit all the assumptions and integrations modules. As a result, we've produced a library that is lightweight, flexible, causes less headache and provides simple to use abstractions.
Spring Cloud AWS 3.0 is compatible with Spring Boot 3.0+.
Reference documentation
To understand the full scope of changes we recommend going through the change list for each milestone and release candidate version:
Since a lot of things have changed, we strongly recommend going through the (completely rewritten) reference documentation:
📗 https://docs.awspring.io/spring-cloud-aws/docs/3.0.0/reference/html/index.html
What's Changed between 3.0.0 RC2 and 3.0.0
- Autoconfigure
by @eduanb in #691 - Update AWS SDK v2 to 2.20.55 version by @MatejNedic in #784
- Fix SQS message attributes mapping with custom data types by @npoirier in #746
- SQS: fix missing headers by @tomazfernandes in #781
- Implement
by @vedgunjan in #750
We are aware that this release breaks existing code but this was the only sensible way we could evolve the framework and meet the demand in constrained time we have. We are very open for your feedback and appreciate any shoutout on social media and Github ⭐️.
This release would not happen without our wonderful community. Big thanks for your bug reports, ideas and pull requests!
New Contributors since version 2.4.0
- @mcruzdev made their first contribution in #76
- @zeldigas made their first contribution in #310
- @anthonyfoulfoin made their first contribution in #338
- @willome made their first contribution in #353
- @anugrahsinghal made their first contribution in #360
- @krimsz made their first contribution in #361
- @sgarfinkel made their first contribution in #400
- @sis-yoshiday made their first contribution in #451
- @fjmacagno made their first contribution in #459
- @tomazfernandes made their first contribution in #374
- @rajadilipkolli made their first contribution in #517
- @akefirad made their first contribution in #555
- @thorntonrp made their first contribution in #589
- @kesslerj made their first contribution in #604
- @AlekSimpson made their first contribution in #605
- @klopfdreh made their first contribution in #558
- @Belair34 made their first contribution in #620
- @HarshCasper made their first contribution in #637
- @xiurobert made their first contribution in #710
- @kunalvarpe made their first contribution in #729
- @arunkpatra made their first contribution in #726
- @vedgunjan made their first contribution in #750
- @sbouhaddi made their first contribution in #755
- @npoirier made their first contribution in #746
- @schjan79 made their first contribution in #762
- @jkatnik made their first contribution in #756
- @eduanb made their first contribution in #691
- @thake made their first contribution in #779
Big thanks to all contributors! 🙂
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v3.0.0