github awspring/spring-cloud-aws v2.3.3

latest releases: v3.2.0-M1, v3.1.1, v3.1.0...
2 years ago

This version solves bumps a spring-messaging dependency to 5.3.13. Previous Spring Cloud AWS versions relied on spring-messaging that suffered from a security vulnerability (#206). If you relied on Spring Cloud AWS to determine spring-messaging version, please update to Spring Cloud AWS 2.3.3.


  • Fix: context order when loading properties (Parameter Store and Secrets Manager) - @WtfJoke
  • Docs: Mention no Aurora support in RDS docs (RDS) - @aravindparappil46
  • Dependency Upgrade: Upgrade Maven Wrapper - @tinexw
  • Enhancement: Log exception on message processing failure (SQS) - @ebussieres
  • Dependency Upgrade: Upgrade Spring Cloud Build to 3.0.5 - @maciejwalkowiak
  • Dependency Upgrade: Upgrade AWS SDK to 1.12.129 - @maciejwalkowiak

Big thanks to contributors and @MatejNedic & @eddumelendez for reviews and support!


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