github awslabs/mountpoint-s3 mountpoint-s3-1.6.0
mountpoint-s3 v1.6.0

latest releases: mountpoint-s3-1.7.2, v1.7.2, mountpoint-s3-1.7.1...
2 months ago

New features

  • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 now supports specifying an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for server-side encryption with KMS (SSE-KMS) when mounting an S3 bucket or prefix. (#839)

Breaking changes

  • No breaking changes.

Other changes

  • Mountpoint now retries S3 requests up to a total of 10 attempts (up from 4), which should make file operations more robust to transient failures or throttling. The maximum number of attempts can be overridden by setting the AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS environment variable. (#830)
  • Fix an issue where Mountpoint could become unresponsive after opening too many files in write mode. (#832)
  • Add support for rewinddir by restarting readdir if offset is zero. (#825)




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