[1.4.46] - 03/21/2025
- (bedrock) A CustomModelUnit(CMU) is an abstract view of the hardware utilization that Bedrock needs to host a a single copy of your custom imported model. Bedrock determines the number of CMUs that a model copy needs when you import the custom model. You can use CMUs to estimate the cost of Inference's.
- (datazone) Add support for overriding selection of default AWS IAM Identity Center instance as part of Amazon DataZone domain APIs.
- (route53recoverycontrolconfig) Adds dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) endpoint support for route53-recovery-control-config operations, opt-in dual-stack addresses for cluster endpoints, and UpdateCluster API to update the network-type of clusters between IPv4 and dual-stack.
- (sagemaker) This release does the following: 1.) Adds DurationHours as a required field to the SearchTrainingPlanOfferings action in the SageMaker AI API; 2.) Adds support for G6e instance types for SageMaker AI inference optimization jobs.