[1.3.37] - 09/20/2024
- (dynamodb) ⚠️ IMPORTANT: Generate and use AWS-account-based endpoints for DynamoDB requests when the account ID is available. The new endpoint URL pattern will be https://.ddb..amazonaws.com. See the documentation for details: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-account-endpoints.html
- (neptune) Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing.
- (sagemaker) Amazon SageMaker now supports using manifest files to specify the location of uncompressed model artifacts within Model Packages
- (sagemakermetrics) This release introduces support for the SageMaker Metrics BatchGetMetrics API.
- (workspaces) Releasing new ErrorCodes for SysPrep failures during ImageImport and CreateImage process