github awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin v1.2.43

latest releases: v1.4.39, v1.4.38, v1.4.37...
8 months ago

[1.2.43] - 06/28/2024


  • (acmpca) Added CCPC_LEVEL_1_OR_HIGHER KeyStorageSecurityStandard and SM2 KeyAlgorithm and SM3WITHSM2 SigningAlgorithm for China regions.
  • (cloudhsmv2) Added 3 new APIs to support backup sharing: GetResourcePolicy, PutResourcePolicy, and DeleteResourcePolicy. Added BackupArn to the output of the DescribeBackups API. Added support for BackupArn in the CreateCluster API.
  • (connect) This release supports showing PreferredAgentRouting step via DescribeContact API.
  • (emr) This release provides the support for new allocation strategies i.e. CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED_PRIORITIZED for Spot and PRIORITIZED for On-Demand by taking input of priority value for each instance type for instance fleet clusters.
  • (glue) Added AttributesToGet parameter to Glue GetDatabases, allowing caller to limit output to include only the database name.
  • (kinesisanalyticsv2) Support for Flink 1.19 in Managed Service for Apache Flink
  • (opensearch) This release removes support for enabling or disabling Natural Language Query Processing feature for Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.
  • (workspaces) Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Amazon WorkSpaces Personal.


  • (pi) Noting that the filter db.sql.db_id isn't available for RDS for SQL Server DB instances.

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