github awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin v1.2.18

latest releases: v1.4.38, v1.4.37, v1.4.36...
9 months ago

[1.2.18] - 05/22/2024


  • (chatbot) This change adds support for tagging Chatbot configurations.
  • (cloudformation) Added DeletionMode FORCE_DELETE_STACK for deleting a stack that is stuck in DELETE_FAILED state due to resource deletion failure.
  • (kms) This release includes feature to import customer's asymmetric (RSA, ECC and SM2) and HMAC keys into KMS in China.
  • (opensearch) This release adds support for enabling or disabling a data source configured as part of Zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3, by setting its status.
  • (wafv2) You can now use Security Lake to collect web ACL traffic data.

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