github awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin v1.0.6

latest releases: v1.4.27, v1.4.26, v1.4.25...
15 months ago

[1.0.6] - 11/30/2023


  • (marketplaceagreement) The AWS Marketplace Agreement Service provides an API interface that helps AWS Marketplace sellers manage their agreements, including listing, filtering, and viewing details about their agreements.
  • (marketplacecatalog) This release enhances the ListEntities API to support new entity type-specific strongly typed filters in the request and entity type-specific strongly typed summaries in the response.
  • (marketplacedeployment) AWS Marketplace Deployment is a new service that provides essential features that facilitate the deployment of software, data, and services procured through AWS Marketplace.
  • (redshiftserverless) This release adds the following support for Amazon Redshift Serverless: 1) cross-account cross-VPCs, 2) copying snapshots across Regions, 3) scheduling snapshot creation, and 4) restoring tables from a recovery point.

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