github awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin v1.0.29

latest releases: v1.4.40, v1.4.39, v1.4.38...
14 months ago

[1.0.29] - 01/04/2024


  • (configservice) Updated ResourceType enum with new resource types onboarded by AWS Config in November and December 2023.
  • (docdb) Adding PerformanceInsightsEnabled and PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId fields to DescribeDBInstances Response.
  • (ecs) This release adds support for managed instance draining which facilitates graceful termination of Amazon ECS instances.
  • (elasticsearchservice) This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.
  • (lightsail) This release adds support to set up an HTTPS endpoint on an instance.
  • (opensearch) This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.
  • (sagemaker) Adding support for provisioned throughput mode for SageMaker Feature Groups
  • (servicecatalog) Added Idempotency token support to Service Catalog AssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact, DisassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifact, DeleteServiceAction API

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