All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.1.5] - 2023-03-31
- Optimized thread locks and expiring cache for the Enhanced Monitoring Plugin (PR #356, PR #373).
- Checked log level to avoid unnecessary resource allocation (PR #367).
- Updated with the following
failover parameter example (here).- Latest Maven Central URLs for direct download of the jar file, using the driver as a Maven dependency, and using the driver as a Gradle dependency.
- DBeaver instructions on how to enable database selectors in the UI (here).
- Clarified that the driver does not support custom RDS clusters (here).
- Clarified Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments are not supported (here).
- Only update topology for specific methods so that certain workflows are not interrupted (Issue 363).
- Fixed methods passing in JdbcConnection proxies by adding checks before casting to ConnectionImpl (Issue 365).
- Fixed AWSSecretsManagerPlugin to update ConnectionProxy HostInfo openInitialConnection to prevent access denied errors (Issue 361).