github awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client v2.1.3
Release 2.1.3 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Java

latest releases: v2.5.8, v2.5.7, v2.5.6-known-bugs...
5 years ago

Release 2.1.3 (March 18, 2019)


  • Added a message to recommend using KinesisClientUtil when an acquire timeout occurs in the FanOutRecordsPublisher.
  • Added a sleep between retries while waiting for a newly created stream consumer to become active.
  • Added timeouts on all futures returned from the DynamoDB and Kinesis clients.
    The timeouts can be configured by setting LeaseManagementConfig#requestTimeout(Duration) for DynamoDB, and PollingConfig#kinesisRequestTimeout(Duration) for Kinesis.
  • Upgraded to SDK version 2.5.10.
  • Artifacts for the Amazon Kinesis Client for Java are now signed by a new GPG key:
    pub   4096R/86368934 2019-02-14 [expires: 2020-02-14]
    uid                  Amazon Kinesis Tools <>

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