github aws/eks-anywhere v0.19.7

latest releases: v0.20.0, weekly.2024-06-20
16 days ago

EKS Anywhere v0.19.7 release

Supported OS version details

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Bottlerocket 1.19.2 *
RHEL 8.x
RHEL 9.x

* EKS Anywhere issue regarding deprecation of Bottlerocket bare metal variants



  • Updated cluster status reconciliation logic for worker node groups with autoscaling configuration #8254
  • Added logic to apply new hardware on baremetal cluster upgrades #8288


  • Fixed bug when installer does not create CCM secret for Nutanix workload cluster #8191
  • Fixed upgrade workflow for registry mirror certificates in EKS Anywhere packages #7114

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