github aws/copilot-cli v1.11.0
copilot-cli: Release v1.11.0

latest releases: v1.34.0, v1.33.4, v1.33.3...
2 years ago

⚡️ Features and enhancements

  • Improved manifest.yml file validation to error early on invalid inputs (#2881)
  • Allow autoscaling for Worker Services (#2827, #2813, #2804)

    By indicating the acceptable queue_delay in your manifest, you can tell Copilot when to scale your number of tasks up or down.

       range: 1-10
       queue_delay:  # Should result in a 900-msg backlog per Fargate task.
         acceptable_latency: 15m  # Acceptable amount of time that a message can sit in the queue.
         msg_processing_time: 1s  # Average amount of time required to process an SQS message. 

    To learn more, see the documentation.

  • Enable StartCommand configuration for App Runner workloads (#2844)

    App Runner (Request-Driven Web Service) manifests now include an optional command field to override the Docker image's default start command.
    To learn more, see the documentation.

  • Support OutputArtifactFormat specification for pipeline sources (#2830)

    Previously, Copilot left this field unspecified, so it defaulted to CODE_ZIP. We have added the output_artifact_format field to the pipeline manifest to enable the CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF format, unblocking repositories with git modules.
    To learn more, see the documentation.

  • Allow container healthchecks for sidecars (#2822)

    Just as you can for main containers, you can now also add healthchecks for sidecar containers. Fields are: command, interval, retries, timeout, and start_period.

           command: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:8080 || exit 1"]
           interval: 10s
  • Add flexibility to log retention (#2834)

    Now you can decide how many days your logs are retained; just set the number in your workload manifest. (The default is thirty days.)

       retention: 90

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Error out if AWS credentials are invalid (#2816, #2819)
  • Build container images targeting AMD64 architectures even on ARM machines (#2814)
  • Prompt for missing custom env resources when some are passed with flags (#2784)
  • Make publish.allowed_workers field optional (#2821)

❤️ Contributions

Thank you, contributors!

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