1.65 (2023-04-13)
- (Feature) [CodeWhisperer]: Introducing "Stop code scan" feature where users will be able to stop the ongoing code scan and immediately start a new one.
- (Feature) [CodeWhisperer]: Automatic import recommendations
- (Feature) [CodeWhisperer]: Now supports cross region calls.
- (Feature) Attempt to download IDE thin client earlier in the CodeCatalyst Dev Environment connection process
- (Feature) [CodeWhisperer]: New supported programming languages: C, C++, Go, Kotlin, Php, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Shell, Sql.
- (Bug Fix) Include more information in the Dev Environment status tooltip
- (Bug Fix) Provide consistent UX in all Dev Environment wizard variants
- (Bug Fix) Fix 'MissingResourceException: Registry key is not defined'
- (Bug Fix) [CodeWhisperer]: Multiple bug fixes to improve user experience
- (Removal) Drop support for the Node.js 12.x Lambda runtime
- (Removal) Drop support for the .NET Core 3.1 Lambda runtime