- Avoid evaluating 200 errors for responses where its body is not seekable.Aws\ACMPCA
- Private Certificate Authority service now supports P521 and RSA3072 key algorithms.Aws\IVSRealTime
- IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to adjust the participant & composition recording segment durationAws\CloudWatchLogs
- Updated CreateLogAnomalyDetector to accept only kms key arnAws\EC2
- This release changes the CreateLaunchTemplate, CreateLaunchTemplateVersion, ModifyLaunchTemplate CLI and SDKs such that if you do not specify a client token, a randomly generated token is used for the request to ensure idempotency.Aws\DynamoDB
- Generate account endpoints for DynamoDB requests using ARN-sourced account ID when availableAws\S3Control
- Updating GetDataAccess response for S3 Access Grants to include the matched Grantee for the requested prefixAws\Amplify
- Introduced support for Skew Protection. Added enableSkewProtection field to createBranch and updateBranch API.Aws\CodeBuild
- AWS CodeBuild now supports webhook filtering by organization nameAws\DataZone
- This release adds support to update projects and environmentsAws\MediaPackageV2
- This release adds the ResetChannelState and ResetOriginEndpointState operation to reset MediaPackage V2 channel and origin endpoint. This release also adds a new field, UrlEncodeChildManifest, for HLS/LL-HLS to allow URL-encoding child manifest query string based on the requirements of AWS SigV4.