github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.342.1
Version 3.342.1

latest release: 3.342.2
2 days ago
  • Aws\NetworkFlowMonitor - This release contains 2 changes. 1: DeleteScope/GetScope/UpdateScope operations now return 404 instead of 500 when the resource does not exist. 2: Expected string format for clientToken fields of CreateMonitorInput/CreateScopeInput/UpdateMonitorInput have been updated to be an UUID based string.
  • Aws\RedshiftDataAPIService - This release adds support for ListStatements API to filter statements by ClusterIdentifier, WorkgroupName, and Database.
  • Aws\CloudTrail - Doc-only update for CloudTrail.
  • Aws\WAFV2 - You can now perform an exact match or rate limit aggregation against the web request's JA4 fingerprint.
  • Aws\IVSRealTime - IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to merge fragmented recordings in the event of a participant disconnect.
  • Aws\WorkSpaces - Added a new ModifyEndpointEncryptionMode API for managing endpoint encryption settings.
  • Aws\Bedrock - This releases adds support for Custom Prompt Router

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