- You can now define custom spark properties at start of the session for use cases like cluster encryption, table formats, and general Spark tuning.Aws\CodeCatalyst
- With this release, the users can list the active sessions connected to their Dev Environment on AWS CodeCatalystAws\Kafka
- Added a fix to make clusterarn a required field in ListClientVpcConnections and RejectClientVpcConnection APIsAws\Rekognition
- This release adds a new EyeDirection attribute in Amazon Rekognition DetectFaces and IndexFaces APIs which predicts the yaw and pitch angles of a person's eye gaze direction for each face detected in the image.Aws\RolesAnywhere
- Adds support for custom notification settings in a trust anchor. Introduces PutNotificationSettings and ResetNotificationSettings API's. Updates DurationSeconds max value to 3600.Aws\Transfer
- This release introduces the ability to require both password and SSH key when users authenticate to your Transfer Family servers that use the SFTP protocol.