github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.228.0
Version 3.228.0

latest releases: 3.339.16, 3.339.15, 3.339.14...
2 years ago
  • Aws\EC2 - This release adds support for Private IP VPNs, a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to use private ip addresses as the tunnel outside ip address over Direct Connect as transport.
  • Aws\ECS - Amazon ECS UpdateService now supports the following parameters: PlacementStrategies, PlacementConstraints and CapacityProviderStrategy.
  • Aws\S3 - Adds support for new object and bucket existence methods within the streamwrapper via registerStreamWrapperV2
  • Aws\WellArchitected - Adds support for lens tagging, Adds support for multiple helpful-resource urls and multiple improvement-plan urls.

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