github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.222.11
Version 3.222.11

latest releases: 3.308.7, 3.308.6, 3.308.5...
2 years ago
  • Aws\Credentials - Made implicit conversion of float to int explicit (to avoid deprivation errors in php8.1)
  • Aws\EC2 - This release introduces a target type Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint for mirrored traffic. Customers can now specify GatewayLoadBalancerEndpoint option during the creation of a traffic mirror target.
  • Aws\FinSpaceData - We've now deprecated CreateSnapshot permission for creating a data view, instead use CreateDataView permission.
  • Aws\IoT - Documentation update for China region ListMetricValues for IoT
  • Aws\Lambda - Lambda releases NodeJs 16 managed runtime to be available in all commercial regions.
  • Aws\Lightsail - This release adds support to include inactive database bundles in the response of the GetRelationalDatabaseBundles request.
  • Aws\Outposts - Documentation updates for AWS Outposts.
  • Aws\SSMIncidents - Adding support for dynamic SSM Runbook parameter values. Updating validation pattern for engagements. Adding ConflictException to UpdateReplicationSet API contract.
  • Aws\Transfer - AWS Transfer Family now accepts ECDSA keys for server host keys
  • Aws\WorkSpaces - Increased the character limit of the login message from 600 to 850 characters.
  • Aws\ivschat - Documentation-only updates for IVS Chat API Reference.
  • Aws\kendra - Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Jira. For more information, see

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