github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.191.5
Version 3.191.5

latest releases: 3.308.7, 3.308.6, 3.308.5...
2 years ago
  • Aws\ComputeOptimizer - Adds support for 1) the AWS Graviton (AWS_ARM64) recommendation preference for Amazon EC2 instance and Auto Scaling group recommendations, and 2) the ability to get the enrollment statuses for all member accounts of an organization.
  • Aws\EC2 - Support added for resizing VPC prefix lists
  • Aws\Rekognition - This release added new attributes to Rekognition RecognizeCelebities and GetCelebrityInfo API operations.
  • Aws\TranscribeService - This release adds support for batch transcription in six new languages - Afrikaans, Danish, Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan), New Zealand English, South African English, and Thai.

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