github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.164.0
Version 3.164.0

latest releases: 3.315.6, 3.315.5, 3.315.4...
3 years ago
  • Aws\Appflow - Upsolver as a destination connector and documentation update.
  • Aws\Batch - Add Ec2Configuration in ComputeEnvironment.ComputeResources. Use in CreateComputeEnvironment API to enable AmazonLinux2 support.
  • Aws\CloudFormation - Adds support for the new Modules feature for CloudFormation. A module encapsulates one or more resources and their respective configurations for reuse across your organization.
  • Aws\CloudTrail - CloudTrail now includes advanced event selectors, which give you finer-grained control over the events that are logged to your trail.
  • Aws\CodeBuild - Adding GetReportGroupTrend API for Test Reports.
  • Aws\CognitoIdentityProvider - This release adds ability to configure Cognito User Pools with third party sms and email providers for sending notifications to users.
  • Aws\Comprehend - Support Comprehend events detection APIs
  • Aws\ElasticBeanstalk - Updates the Integer constraint of DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory's MaxItems parameter to [1, 100].
  • Aws\FSx - This release adds the capability to increase storage capacity of Amazon FSx for Lustre file systems, providing the flexibility to meet evolving storage needs over time.
  • Aws\GameLift - GameLift FlexMatch is now available as a standalone matchmaking solution. FlexMatch now provides customizable matchmaking for games hosted peer-to-peer, on-premises, or on cloud compute primitives.
  • Aws\IoTSiteWise - This release adds support for customer managed customer master key (CMK) based encryption in IoT SiteWise.
  • Aws\LexModelBuildingService - Lex now supports es-419, de-DE locales
  • Aws\MWAA - (New Service) Amazon MWAA is a managed service for Apache Airflow that makes it easy for data engineers and data scientists to execute data processing workflows in the cloud.
  • Aws\MediaConvert - AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for Vorbis and Opus audio in OGG/OGA containers.
  • Aws\QuickSight - Support for embedding without user registration. New enum EmbeddingIdentityType. A potential breaking change. Affects code that refers IdentityType enum type directly instead of literal string value.
  • Aws\SFN - This release of the AWS Step Functions SDK introduces support for Synchronous Express Workflows
  • Aws\TimestreamWrite - Adds support of upserts for idempotent updates to Timestream.
  • Aws\TranscribeStreamingService - Amazon Transcribe Medical streaming added medical specialties and HTTP/2 support. Amazon Transcribe streaming supports additional languages. Both support OGG/OPUS and FLAC codecs for streaming.

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