github aws/aws-sdk-php 3.163.3
Version 3.163.3

latest releases: 3.305.4, 3.305.3, 3.305.2...
3 years ago
  • Aws\ApplicationInsights - Add Detected Workload to ApplicationComponent which shows the workloads that installed in the component
  • Aws\AutoScaling - Documentation updates and corrections for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference and SDKs.
  • Aws\CodeArtifact - Add support for the NuGet package format.
  • Aws\CodeStarconnections - Added support for the UpdateHost API.
  • Aws\DynamoDB - With this release, you can capture data changes in any Amazon DynamoDB table as an Amazon Kinesis data stream. You also can use PartiQL (SQL-compatible language) to manipulate data in DynamoDB tables.
  • Aws\EC2 - This release adds support for Multiple Private DNS names to DescribeVpcEndpointServices response.
  • Aws\ECS - This release adds support for updating capacity providers, specifying custom instance warmup periods for capacity providers, and using deployment circuit breaker for your ECS Services.
  • Aws\EMR - Add API support for EMR Studio, a new notebook-first IDE for data scientists and data engineers with single sign-on, Jupyter notebooks, automated infrastructure provisioning, and job diagnosis.
  • Aws\ElastiCache - Documentation updates for elasticache
  • Aws\ForecastService - Releasing the set of PredictorBacktestExportJob APIs which allow customers to export backtest values and item-level metrics data from Predictor training.
  • Aws\Glue - Feature1 - Glue crawler adds data lineage configuration option. Feature2 - AWS Glue Data Catalog adds APIs for PartitionIndex creation and deletion as part of Enhancement Partition Management feature.
  • Aws\IoT - This release enables users to identify different file types in the over-the-air update (OTA) functionality using fileType parameter for CreateOTAUpdate API
  • Aws\Kafka - Adding MAINTENANCE and REBOOTING_BROKER to Cluster states.
  • Aws\Lambda - This release includes support for new feature: Code Signing for AWS Lambda. This adds new resources and APIs to configure Lambda functions to accept and verify signed code artifacts at deployment.
  • Aws\LicenseManager - AWS License Manager now provides the ability for license administrators to be able to associate license configurations to AMIs shared with their AWS account
  • Aws\Outposts - Support specifying tags during the creation of the Outpost resource. Tags are now returned in the response body of Outpost APIs.
  • Aws\SSOAdmin - AWS Single Sign-On now enables attribute-based access control for workforce identities to simplify permissions in AWS
  • Aws\SecurityHub - Updated the account management API to support the integration with AWS Organizations. Added new methods to allow users to view and manage the delegated administrator account for Security Hub.
  • Aws\TimestreamQuery - Amazon Timestream now supports "QueryStatus" in Query API which has information about cumulative bytes scanned, metered, as well as progress percentage for the query.
  • Aws\Translate - This update adds new operations to create and manage parallel data in Amazon Translate. Parallel data is a resource that you can use to run Active Custom Translation jobs.
  • Aws\signer - AWS Signer is launching code-signing for AWS Lambda. Now customers can cryptographically sign Lambda code to ensure trust, integrity, and functionality.

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