- You can now create Auto Scaling groups with multiple launch templates using a mixed instances policy, making it easy to deploy an AMI with an architecture that is different from the rest of the group.Aws\CloudWatchEvents
- EventBridge now supports Resource-based policy authorization on event buses. This enables cross-account PutEvents API calls, creating cross-account rules, and simplifies permission management.Aws\CostExplorer
- Additional metadata that may be applicable to the recommendation.Aws\DirectoryService
- Adding multi-region replication feature for AWS Managed Microsoft ADAws\EventBridge
- EventBridge now supports Resource-based policy authorization on event buses. This enables cross-account PutEvents API calls, creating cross-account rules, and simplifies permission management.Aws\Glue
- Adding support for Glue Schema Registry. The AWS Glue Schema Registry is a new feature that allows you to centrally discover, control, and evolve data stream schemas.Aws\KinesisAnalyticsV2
- Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics now supports building and running streaming applications using Apache Flink 1.11 and provides a way to access the Apache Flink dashboard for supported Flink versions.Aws\Lambda
- Added the starting position and starting position timestamp to ESM Configuration. Now customers will be able to view these fields for their ESM.Aws\LexModelBuildingService
- Amazon Lex supports managing input and output contexts as well as default values for slots.Aws\LexRuntimeService
- Amazon Lex now supports the ability to view and manage active contexts associated with a user session.Aws\MediaLive
- The AWS Elemental MediaLive APIs and SDKs now support the ability to see the software update status on Link devicesAws\Redshift
- Amazon Redshift support for returning ClusterNamespaceArn in describeClusters