github aws/aws-sdk-pandas 2.6.0
AWS Data Wrangler 2.6.0

latest releases: 3.8.0, 3.7.3, 3.7.2...
3 years ago


⚠️ For platforms without PyArrow 3 support (e.g. MWAA, EMR, Glue PySpark Job):

➡️ pip install pyarrow==2 awswrangler


  • Added a chunksize parameter to the to_sql function. Default set to 200. Decreased insertion time from 120 to 1 second #599
  • path argument is now optional in s3.to_parquet and s3.to_csv functions #586
  • Added a map_types boolean (set to True by default) to convert pyarrow DataTypes to pandas ExtensionDtypes #580
  • Added optional ctas_database_name argument to store ctas_temporary_table in an alternative database #576


We thank the following contributors/users for their work on this release:

@maxispeicher, @igorborgest, @ilyanoskov, @VashMKS, @jmahlik, @dimapod, @Reeska

P.S. The AWS Lambda Layer file (.zip) and the AWS Glue file (.whl) are available below. Just upload it and run!

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