github aws/aws-sdk-pandas 2.12.0
AWS Data Wrangler 2.12.0

latest releases: 3.7.3, 3.7.2, 3.7.1...
2 years ago


⚠️ For platforms without PyArrow 5 support (e.g. MWAA, EMR, Glue PySpark Job):

➡️ pip install pyarrow==2 awswrangler

New Functionalities


  • redshift.read_sql_query - handle empty table corner case #874
  • Refactor read parquet table to reduce file list scan based on available partitions #878
  • Shrink lambda layer with strip command #884
  • Enabling DynamoDB endpoint URL #887
  • EMR jobs concurrency #889
  • Add feature to allow custom AMI for EMR #907
  • wr.redshift.unload_to_files empty the S3 folder instead of overwriting existing files #914
  • Add catalog_id arg to wr.catalog.does_table_exist #920
  • Ad enpoint_url for AWS Secrets Manager #929


  • Update docs for awswrangler.s3.to_csv #868

Bug Fix

  • wr.mysql.to_sql with use_column_names=True when column names are reserved words #918


We thank the following contributors/users for their work on this release:

@AssafMentzer, @mureddy19, @isichei, @DonnaArt, @kukushking, @jaidisido

P.S. The AWS Lambda Layer file (.zip) and the AWS Glue file (.whl) are available below. Just upload it and run or use them from our S3 public bucket!

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