github aws/aws-sdk-pandas 2.0.0
AWS Data Wrangler 2.0.0

latest releases: 3.8.0, 3.7.3, 3.7.2...
3 years ago

Breaking changes

New Functionalities


  • General performance improved for s3 I/O removing eventual consistency guardrails (Reference)
  • Add retry with decorrelated jitter for Athena and Glue Catalog calls to overcome throttling in high concurrency scenarios.


AWS re:Invent related news


We thank the following contributors/users for their work on this release:

@Brooke-white, @danielwo, @sapientderek, @pmleveque, @igorborgest.

P.S. Lambda Layer zip file and Glue wheel/egg files are available below. Just upload it and run!

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