github aws/aws-sdk-js-v3 v3.769.0

22 hours ago


New Features
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-03-17 (61ce0369)
  • client-wafv2: AWS WAF now lets you inspect fragments of request URIs. You can specify the scope of the URI to inspect and narrow the set of URI fragments. (ebfb59ba)
  • client-rum: CloudWatch RUM now supports unminification of JS error stack traces. (f1401ff2)
  • client-geo-maps: Provide support for vector map styles in the GetStaticMap operation. (b1a34406)
  • client-application-signals: This release adds support for adding, removing, and listing SLO time exclusion windows with the BatchUpdateExclusionWindows and ListServiceLevelObjectiveExclusionWindows APIs. (d5307585)
  • client-taxsettings: Adjust Vietnam PaymentVoucherNumber regex and minor API change. (53a981ae)

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