- rename package holding folder (#6934) (d682df74)
- supplemental-docs: md5 fallback for DeleteObjects update (#6932) (4da9cac4)
Documentation Changes
New Features
- clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-03-13 (acfb492f)
- client-mediapackagev2: This release adds the ResetChannelState and ResetOriginEndpointState operation to reset MediaPackage V2 channel and origin endpoint. This release also adds a new field, UrlEncodeChildManifest, for HLS/LL-HLS to allow URL-encoding child manifest query string based on the requirements of AWS SigV4. (31f82731)
- client-datazone: This release adds support to update projects and environments (ed380170)
- client-codebuild: AWS CodeBuild now supports webhook filtering by organization name (0712dd4e)
- client-amplify: Introduced support for Skew Protection. Added enableSkewProtection field to createBranch and updateBranch API. (d50c0227)
- client-s3-control: Updating GetDataAccess response for S3 Access Grants to include the matched Grantee for the requested prefix (89baba56)
- client-dynamodb: Generate account endpoints for DynamoDB requests using ARN-sourced account ID when available (d2c9f5d8)
- client-ec2: This release changes the CreateLaunchTemplate, CreateLaunchTemplateVersion, ModifyLaunchTemplate CLI and SDKs such that if you do not specify a client token, a randomly generated token is used for the request to ensure idempotency. (60c47be9)
- client-cloudwatch-logs: Updated CreateLogAnomalyDetector to accept only kms key arn (a27f1b41)
- client-ivs-realtime: IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to adjust the participant & composition recording segment duration (22ff2bfd)
- client-acm-pca: Private Certificate Authority service now supports P521 and RSA3072 key algorithms. (615a9d98)
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.767.0.zip