Documentation Changes
- client-timestream-influxdb: This release updates the default value of pprof-disabled from false to true. (559d2c80)
New Features
- clients: update client endpoints as of 2025-03-10 (b1fe69ff)
- client-cost-explorer: Releasing minor partition endpoint updates. (353f3fc8)
- client-securityhub: This release adds new StandardsControlsUpdatable field to the StandardsSubscription resource (6548ac42)
- client-pca-connector-ad: PrivateCA Connector for Active Directory now supports dual stack endpoints. This release adds the IpAddressType option to the VpcInformation on a Connector which determines whether the endpoint supports IPv4 only or IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. (96cc346c)
- client-bedrock-agent-runtime: Add support for computer use tools (4f44684a)
- client-connect: Add support for contact transfers in external voice systems. (528d0601)
- client-medialive: Adds defaultFontSize and defaultLineHeight as options in the EbuTtDDestinationSettings within the caption descriptions for an output stream. (34661244)
- client-bedrock-agent: Add support for computer use tools (f66d9c42)
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.765.0.zip