github aws/aws-sdk-go v1.48.0
Release v1.48.0

latest releases: v1.54.14, v1.54.13, v1.54.12...
7 months ago

Release v1.48.0 (2023-11-17)

Service Client Updates

  • service/appmesh: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/athena: Updates service API and documentation
    • Adding SerivicePreProcessing time metric
  • service/cloud9: Updates service documentation and examples
    • A minor doc only update related to changing the date of an API change.
  • service/cloudformation: Updates service API and documentation
    • This release adds a new flag ImportExistingResources to CreateChangeSet. Specify this parameter on a CREATE- or UPDATE-type change set to import existing resources with custom names instead of recreating them.
  • service/codepipeline: Updates service API and documentation
    • CodePipeline now supports overriding source revisions to achieve manual re-deploy of a past revision
  • service/codestar-connections: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators
  • service/connect: Updates service API
  • service/dlm: Updates service documentation
  • service/ec2: Updates service API and documentation
    • This release adds new features for Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) Allowing a choice between Free and Advanced Tiers, viewing public IP address insights across regions and in Amazon Cloudwatch, use IPAM to plan your subnet IPs within a VPC and bring your own autonomous system number to IPAM.
  • service/ecr: Updates service API and documentation
    • Documentation and operational updates for Amazon ECR, adding support for pull through cache rules for upstream registries that require authentication.
  • service/elasticmapreduce: Updates service API and documentation
    • Launch support for IAM Identity Center Trusted Identity Propagation and workspace storage encryption using AWS KMS in EMR Studio
  • service/eventbridge: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/internetmonitor: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators
  • service/ivs: Updates service API
  • service/ivschat: Updates service API
  • service/kinesisvideo: Updates service documentation
    • Docs only build to bring up-to-date with public docs.
  • service/location: Updates service API
  • service/medialive: Updates service API and documentation
    • MediaLive has now added support for per-output static image overlay.
  • service/mgn: Updates service API
  • service/osis: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/pipes: Updates service API
  • service/rds: Updates service API, documentation, waiters, paginators, and examples
    • This release adds support for option groups and replica enhancements to Amazon RDS Custom.
  • service/redshift: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators
    • Updated SDK for Amazon Redshift, which you can use to configure a connection with IAM Identity Center to manage access to databases. With these, you can create a connection through a managed application. You can also change a managed application, delete it, or get information about an existing one.
  • service/redshift-serverless: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/s3: Updates service API, documentation, and examples
    • Removes all default 0 values for numbers and false values for booleans
  • service/sso-admin: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/sso-oidc: Updates service API, documentation, and examples
  • service/sts: Updates service documentation
    • API updates for the AWS Security Token Service
  • service/trustedadvisor: Adds new service
  • service/verifiedpermissions: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/wisdom: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators

SDK Features

  • service/macie: Deprecate Macie
    • This change removes the macie service, since it is deprecated.

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