github aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.154
Release v1.44.154

latest releases: v1.54.14, v1.54.13, v1.54.12...
19 months ago

Release v1.44.154 (2022-12-06)

Service Client Updates

  • service/billingconductor: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/connect: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators
  • service/dynamodb: Updates service API, documentation, waiters, paginators, and examples
    • Endpoint Ruleset update: Use http instead of https for the "local" region.
  • service/rds: Updates service API, documentation, waiters, paginators, and examples
    • This release adds the BlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault to the AddTagsToResource, ListTagsForResource, and RemoveTagsFromResource operations.
  • service/sagemaker-featurestore-runtime: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/streams.dynamodb: Adds new service

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