github aws/aws-sdk-go v1.42.49
Release v1.42.49

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2 years ago

Release v1.42.49 (2022-02-08)

Service Client Updates

  • service/apprunner: Updates service API, documentation, and paginators
  • service/kendra: Updates service API and documentation
  • service/s3control: Updates service API and documentation
    • This release adds support for S3 Batch Replication. Batch Replication lets you replicate existing objects, already replicated objects to new destinations, and objects that previously failed to replicate. Customers will receive object-level visibility of progress and a detailed completion report.
  • service/sagemaker: Updates service API and documentation
    • Autopilot now generates an additional report with information on the performance of the best model, such as a Confusion matrix and Area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC-ROC). The path to the report can be found in CandidateArtifactLocations.

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