github aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 release-2025-03-05
Release (2025-03-05)

13 hours ago

Module Highlights

  • v1.47.0
    • Feature: AWS DataSync now supports modifying ServerHostname while updating locations SMB, NFS, and ObjectStorage.
  • v1.0.0
    • Release: New AWS service client module
    • Feature: New Service: Amazon GameLift Streams delivers low-latency game streaming from AWS global infrastructure to virtually any device with a browser at up to 1080p resolution and 60 fps.
  • v1.25.0
    • Feature: This release adds floating point support for CAN/OBD signals and adds support for signed OBD signals.
  • v1.54.0
    • Feature: Added DeviceTypeWorkSpacesThinClient type to allow users to access their WorkSpaces through a WorkSpaces Thin Client.

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