github aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 release-2025-01-09
Release (2025-01-09)

latest releases: release-2025-03-13, service/sfn/v1.35.2, service/s3control/v1.55.0...
2 months ago

General Highlights

  • Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions

Module Highlights

  • v1.32.8
    • Bug Fix: Retry transient net.ErrClosed errors by default.
  • v1.50.0
    • Feature: AWS CodeBuild Now Supports BuildBatch in Reserved Capacity and Lambda
  • v1.41.0
    • Feature: This release expands AWS Compute Optimizer rightsizing recommendation support for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups to include those with scaling policies and multiple instance types.
  • v1.39.0
    • Feature: AWS Firewall Manager now lets you combine multiple resource tags using the logical AND operator or the logical OR operator.

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