github aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 release-2023-10-04
Release (2023-10-04)

latest releases: release-2025-03-13, release-2025-03-11, service/workspaces/v1.55.1...
17 months ago

Module Highlights

  • v1.21.0
    • Feature: AWS AppConfig introduces KMS customer-managed key (CMK) encryption support for data saved to AppConfig's hosted configuration store.
  • v1.0.0
    • Release: New AWS service client module
    • Feature: Initial release of Amazon DataZone
  • v1.28.0
    • Feature: Updates DescribeVodSource to include a list of ad break opportunities in the response
  • v1.21.0
    • Feature: This release includes the following new APIs: ListConnectors, CreateConnector, UpdateConnector, DeleteConnector and UpdateSourceServer to support the source action framework feature.
  • v1.110.0
    • Feature: Adding support for AdditionalS3DataSource, a data source used for training or inference that is in addition to the input dataset or model data.

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