Module Highlights
: v1.34.0- Feature: Add SAP source connector parallel and pagination feature
: v1.19.0- Feature: App Runner adds support for Bitbucket. You can now create App Runner connection that connects to your Bitbucket repositories and deploy App Runner service with the source code stored in a Bitbucket repository.
: v1.4.0- Feature: This release decouples member abilities in a collaboration. With this change, the member who can run queries no longer needs to be the same as the member who can receive results.
: v1.29.0- Feature: AWS DataSync introduces Task Reports, a new feature that provides detailed reports of data transfer operations for each task execution.
: v1.0.0- Release: New AWS service client module
- Feature: Allows customers to execute data plane actions like bulk loading graphs, issuing graph queries using Gremlin and openCypher directly from the SDK.
: v1.30.0- Feature: Network Firewall increasing pagination token string length
: v1.0.0- Release: New AWS service client module
- Feature: The Connector for AD allows you to use a fully-managed AWS Private CA as a drop-in replacement for your self-managed enterprise CAs without local agents or proxy servers. Enterprises that use AD to manage Windows environments can reduce their private certificate authority (CA) costs and complexity.
: v1.103.0- Feature: Amazon SageMaker Canvas adds IdentityProviderOAuthSettings support for CanvasAppSettings