Module Highlights
: v1.14.0- Feature: This release adds visualizations to the scheduled inference results. Users will be able to see interference results, including diagnostic results from their running inference schedulers.
: v1.25.1- Documentation: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has released support for automatic DolbyVision metadata generation when converting HDR10 to DolbyVision.
: v1.15.0- Feature: New and modified APIs for the Post-Migration Framework
: v1.6.0- Feature: This release adds the new API UpdateRoute that allows route to be updated to ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. In addition, CreateRoute API will now allow users to create route in ACTIVE/INACTIVE state.
: v1.33.0- Feature: SageMaker Ground Truth now supports Virtual Private Cloud. Customers can launch labeling jobs and access to their private workforce in VPC mode.