github aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 release-2022-04-15
Release (2022-04-15)

latest releases: release-2025-01-14, service/xray/v1.30.5, service/transfer/v1.55.3...
2 years ago

General Highlights

  • Dependency Update: Updated to the latest SDK module versions

Module Highlights

  • v1.9.0
    • Feature: Support has been added for specifying a custom time format when encoding and decoding DynamoDB AttributeValues. Use EncoderOptions.EncodeTime to specify a custom time encoding function, and use DecoderOptions.DecodeTime for specifying how to handle the corresponding AttributeValues using the format. Thank you Pablo Lopez for this contribution.
  • v1.9.0
    • Feature: Support has been added for specifying a custom time format when encoding and decoding DynamoDB AttributeValues. Use EncoderOptions.EncodeTime to specify a custom time encoding function, and use DecoderOptions.DecodeTime for specifying how to handle the corresponding AttributeValues using the format. Thank you Pablo Lopez for this contribution.
  • v1.15.0
    • Feature: This release adds subfields, ErrorMessage, Retryable, to the AthenaError response object in the GetQueryExecution API when a query fails.
  • v1.19.0
    • Feature: This release adds support to describe the synchronization status of the account-level block public access feature for your Amazon Lightsail buckets.
  • v1.19.0
    • Feature: Removes Amazon RDS on VMware with the deletion of APIs related to Custom Availability Zones and Media installation

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