What's new?
You can now use the sam build
command to compile deployment packages for AWS Lambda functions written in supported Node.js runtimes. Huge shout-out to @gojko for this contribution!
You can now debug Lambda functions written in .NET Core using Visual Studio Code. To get started, check out the documentation: Debugging .NET Core functions. Huge shout-out to @ndobryanskyy for this contribution!
docs: Update Slack invite link (#781)
fix: Create Layer Cache during building image (#823)
docs: list Ruby2.5, Python3.7 and Provided as supported runtime (#822)
fix: Making hello world java sample more idiomatic (#802)
fix: Update to .NET Core init template (#705)
fix: Stop html encoding of options for generate-event (#824)
docs: Issue templates for bug and feature requests (#726)
fix: Fix Makefile typo (#829)
Feature: .NET Core 2.0/2.1 debugging support (#825)
refactor: Move checking Docker connectivity to ContainerManager (#828)
fix: Update functional tests to work (#841)
Feature: Support building Node.js functions (#845)