github aws/aws-parallelcluster v3.10.0
AWS ParallelCluster v3.10.0

7 days ago

We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster 3.10.0


How to upgrade?

sudo pip install --upgrade aws-parallelcluster


  • Add new configuration section Scheduling/SlurmSettings/ExternalSlurmdbd to connect the cluster to an external Slurmdbd.
  • Allow build-image to be run in an isolated network.
  • Add support for Amazon Linux 2023.
  • Add support for price-capacity-optimized as an AllocationStrategy.
  • Add validator to prevent the use of Placement Groups with Capacity Blocks.


  • CentOS 7 is no longer supported.
  • Upgrade Cinc Client to version to 18.4.12 from 18.2.7.
  • Upgrade munge to version 0.5.16 (from 0.5.15).
  • Upgrade Pmix to 5.0.2 (from 4.2.9).
  • Upgrade third-party cookbook dependencies:
    • apt-7.5.22 (from apt-7.5.14)
    • openssh-2.11.12 (from openssh-2.11.3)
  • Remove third-party cookbook: selinux-6.1.12.
  • Upgrade EFA installer to 1.32.0.
    • Efa-driver: efa-2.8.0-1
    • Efa-config: efa-config-1.16-1
    • Efa-profile: efa-profile-1.7-1
    • Libfabric-aws: libfabric-aws-1.21.0-1
    • Rdma-core: rdma-core-50.0-1
    • Open MPI: openmpi40-aws-4.1.6-3 and openmpi50-aws-5.0.2-12
  • Upgrade NVIDIA driver to version 535.183.01 (from 535.154.05).
  • Upgrade Python to 3.9.19 (from 3.9.17).
  • Upgrade Intel MPI Library to 2021.12.1.8 (from 2021.9.0.43482).


  • Fix Data Repository Associations configuration to make AutoExportPolicy and AutoImportPolicy optional.
  • Fixed an issue during cluster deletion that now completes compute fleet cleanup when instances are either in shutting-down or terminated state.
    This is to avoid cluster deletion failures for instance types with longer termination cycles.
  • Allow cloudwatch dashboard to be enabled and alarms to be disabled in the Monitoring section of the cluster config.
  • Allow ParallelCluster Custom Resource to suppress validators using PclusterCluster/SuppressValidators.
  • Removing /etc/profile.d/ so that it's not executed at every user login and
    cfn_bootstrap_virtualenv is not added in PATH environment variable.
  • Fix ParallelCluster API spec by replacing field failureReason with failures in DescribeCluster response.
  • Fix ParallelCluster API spec by adding the CloudFormation stack status that were missing:
  • Fix an issue that prevented cluster updates from including EFS filesystems with encryption in transit.
  • Fix an issue that prevented slurmctld and slurmdbd services from restarting on head node reboot when
    EFS is used for shared internal data.
  • On Ubuntu systems, remove default logrotate configuration for cloud-init log files that clashed with the
    configuration coming from Parallelcluster.
  • Fix image build failure with RHEL 8.10 or newer.

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