github aws/aws-for-fluent-bit 2.16.1
AWS for Fluent Bit 2.16.1

latest releases: v2.32.2.20240516, v2.32.2.20240425, v2.32.2.20230422...
2 years ago

This release includes:

An Amazon Linux 2 Base

  • Fluent Bit 1.7.9
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs for Fluent Bit 1.6.1
  • Amazon Kinesis Streams for Fluent Bit 1.7.1
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose for Fluent Bit 1.6.0

Important Note:

  • We have fixed some known issues which were found in our previous version (v2.16.0). It is highly recommended to upgrade your existing workload or run new workload with this latest version (2.16.1) of aws-for-fluent-bit image.

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